Manifestation and Menopause

Manifestation and Menopause

Unable to manifest since Menopause or are your manifestations going into REVERSE?Click here to read why Menopause and Medical Qigong: A Second SpringBy Dr. Bernard ShannonOriginally published in Chinese Medical Qigong Therapy: Volume 4 – Prescription Exercises...
An EASY Meditation to Find Calm

An EASY Meditation to Find Calm

THE CALM TECHNIQUEPlease read before the video below :)Meditations can be simple, but when we engage in them consistently thebenefits are exponential as hopefully you will come to understand.All you have to do is acknowledge the thousands of years in which...
How Meditation Takes You into Frequencies and How They Heal

How Meditation Takes You into Frequencies and How They Heal

What happens when we meditate? The Dalai Lama has been quoted as saying that the best meditation is sleep.  So why is this? What happens in meditation is we consciously enter the same brainwave frequencies as when we go off to sleep, but the practice accelerates our...
Learn How To Meditate and Find the Peace Within

Learn How To Meditate and Find the Peace Within

  I want to share with you some thoughts on why meditation can lead you to create more of what you want. Meditation is becoming more a part of people’s new lives every day, and I hope it becomes part of your new life. Meditation can raise the life of every...
How To Go From Anger To Happiness In 3 Seconds

How To Go From Anger To Happiness In 3 Seconds

Mastering your energetic state is the greatest skill you can teach yourself, both for happiness and success in life. It’s easier said than done because it requires a great deal of self-honesty, will power, and self-awareness, but it’s the most rewarding skillset you...

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