The Power of Love – Meditation & Intent

The Power of Love – Meditation & Intent

Before you watch the following video, I would like you to try to understand if you don’t already, that meditation places you in a state of love, abundance, prosperity, and joy and much more so that as well. In hypnotherapy, once we get past the critical,...

Happiness and Its Causes

I support the conference, Happiness and Its Causes with the Dalai Lama as guest. However, the only thing you need to know is that YOU are THE void …manifesting reality. The more space you put into your mind by way of meditation. causes happiness. Q: Who gets...


Relaxation is so important for mental health and wellbeing. Everyone needs some time out to themselves to do something they enjoy. It is easy to forget to make time for yourself when things get stressful. Sometimes we are just so pre-occupied that days can go by...
How to See The Future with Regular Meditation

How to See The Future with Regular Meditation

How to See the Future With Meditation: One of the great advantages of regular meditation is that it enhances your sense of intuition. The more you practise meditation, the more you gain insight into every aspect of your life. Insights can relate to present or past...
The Benefits of Meditation

The Benefits of Meditation

Here is the definitive long list of benefits that meditation can provide you with: Physiological benefits: 1- It lowers oxygen consumption 2- It decreases respiratory rate 3- It increases blood flow and slows the heart rate 4- Increases exercise tolerance 5- Leads to...

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